samedi 13 février 2010

Again I did it: another women singers bucket

From the most recent acquisitions to the older ones, here are my last CDs...
Something that leave me stuck and astonishes me as well is that it is almost only women singers. And I can swear I did not do it on purpose (at least conscientiously...)

Really nice first shot for this indie theme. Don't miss the second tune (oursoul). Waiting for the next album.

I hesitated a very long time before buying one of her album. This is my very first one and it's a real pleasure. I should add that if I waited so long it's likely because when I was in "Class Prépa" at Janson, she was there in "Seconde" and starring with "Joe le taxi" as a baby-singer. It was rather weird to me and my friends to see all her fans waving around the high school...

Again, a very interesting first shot. Many diverse rythmns (rock, soul and pop). To be listened urgently: highly recommended.

Imogen Heap (alias Frou Frou in her first installment) is a great artist. I discovered her at TED and decided to push further my first impressions. This led to three albums bought in a row! No more comments required, aren't they?

Second album from this french singer. I think it is at least as good as the first one. Probably better. Like it very much, indeed.

I'm tempted to state: good, as usual. No more, no less. No surprise neither. Oh, yes perhaps should I add that this opus seems to navigate more styles, and even makes an attempt to push to Rock!

Great. From my perspective, this one is better than the previous one. Really nice and full of nice tunes. Strong recommendation.

And I should add that the next CD already sitting on my shelves is another French woman singer: Charlotte Gainsbourg with her IRM album...